Lucid Spaces

Lucid Spaces are beautiful realtime walkthrough experiences that can be viewed on computers, tablets and smartphones using a browser. By combining CGIs and simplified models, users can now enjoy a high degree of material detail, lighting quality and immersiveness. All without the need for traditional expensive hardware.

Lucid Spaces can be visited as standalone or existing website additions. Architects, designers and property developers are using Lucid Spaces as an easy and effective way to communicate their future environments. Examples include virtual show apartments, planning presentations and product galleries.

360 photography can also be used if the space already exists while Virtual Reality options allow users to fully immerse themselves in the space using headsets.

Clicking on Hotspots and Options within the Spaces can access futther detail. For example:

Image galleries
Close-up 3D models of specific items
Videos (e.g. interviews, product demos, view timelapses)
Alternative lighting moods
Specification options
Layout options
Additional html content (e.g. order forms, plans, contact info, audio)

image (9).png

Layout Generation


Flow Analysis